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                Architecture, P.A.:


Then and Now...

Since 1985, Frank Demandt has been a licensed and practicing architect in South Florida; and a co-founder of Brown Demandt Architects, P.A. in 1990.

After a successful and accomplished 16 year partnership, Brown Demandt Architects came to a close to allow for both parties to explore independent opportunities within the field, while continuing to carry out collaborative projects.

In 2006, Demandt Architecture, P.A. was established with three employees and the knowledge and experience to excel in intuitive and innovative design practices, with a focus in commercial and retail projects both large and small.

Today, Demandt Architecture has grown to become one of the largest and busiest small firms in Miami, having grown to eight employees in under two years with a wide array of projects and clients. We have been and continue to grow as a full service firm specializing in providing complete Architectural services from the initial design phase to post-occupancy evaluation, including three-dimensional design and renderings, project coordination and construction administration.

From thorough workmanship and dedication to the ethical principles of architecture, Demandt Architecture, P.A. continues to synergize design through conceptual development and functional innovation to continue playing an active role in the architectural evolution of South Florida.

In 2009, Demandt Architecture has shown continued dedication to the ethical practice of architecture as three of our employees have become LEED registered professionals.

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